Sunday, September 30, 2007

Emulācija izmantojot VirtualBox un debian

1. Sistēmas sagatavošana:
apt-get install libqt3-mt libxalan110 libxerces27
(Te ir jāpiezīmē, ka paka var atjaunoties - ir lietderīgi paskatīties pašiem vai paka jau nav jaunāka).
Kad paka ir ielādēta, no tā paša foldera palaižam komandu:
dpkg -i virtualbox_1.5.0-24069-1_Debian_etch_i386.deb
Ja sastopamies ar kādām dependency problēmām, palaižam komandu: apt-get -f install.
Nu un pēc tam, no konsoles palaižam komandu: VirtualBox.
Vizuāli liekas ļoti līdzīgs vmware produktiem, iespējams, ka šis ir drusku ātrāks, bet vmware atkal piedāvā visādus tūļus... Viennozīmīgi, ka šis produkts ir ātrāks par qemu ar nestrādājošu kqemu (man tas nezin kāpēc neinstalējās)...



virens said...

Is it so necessary to use apt-get -f install?
It can damage your working system, if something get wrong.

Virtualbox actually faster on some tasks, especially in emulation of Windozzze. But lacking of good console interface is unacceptable for me, so QEMU is my favorite. By the way, somedays I wrote a review of VirtualBox (in russian) - I personally hope that it isnt so outdated.

Anyway, thanks for post. Can you write a review of VirtualBox 1.5? It could be interesting to readers of you blog.

LSlackware said...

Regarding apt-get -f install, no, my installation was going ok without this command. But thnx for information!
I use VirtualBox only for windowz, so, for me it looks like quite faster than qemu.
I will awaiting for your post regarding VirtualBox, and thanks for your suggestion about review for VirtualBox 1.5 - I hope this could be done in the nearest future ;)
By the way - your blog is really good help for debian users!!!